elevate your practice:

7 Steps to Build Your UNBREAKABLE Dream Team for Your

Mental Health Practice

The ultimate blueprint to optimize hiring, nurture team dynamics, and set the cornerstone for a booming mental health practice

Introducing the

Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice

Team Building Framework

A definitive blueprint meticulously crafted by Soribel Martinez to supercharge your hiring process. This step-by-step guide ensures you onboard the right talent, foster team synergy, and lead your mental health practice to unprecedented heights. Dive in and unlock the secrets to building and maintaining a thriving, impactful team.

The Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice Team Building Framework™

Introducing the

Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice

Team Building Framework

A definitive blueprint meticulously crafted by Soribel Martinez to supercharge your hiring process. This step-by-step guide ensures you onboard the right talent, foster team synergy, and lead your mental health practice to unprecedented heights. Dive in and unlock the secrets to building and maintaining a thriving, impactful team.

A Glimpse of

What's Inside:

Exclusive Free Access: Unearth Soribel Martinez's groundbreaking framework and lead your practice to unparalleled success.

Empower your

Mental Health Practice

with strategies refined by an industry leader.

  • Application Mastery: Fine-tune your hiring with personality tests and video screenings.

  • Phone Interview Secrets: 30 minutes to discover if their energy resonates with your vision.

  • Zoom Interviews: Dive deeper into mission alignment and aspirations.

  • Final Interview Hacks: Understand genuine interest and mission coherence.

  • The Hiring Transition: Seamless integration from offer to onboarding.

  • Onboarding Excellence: Equip your team for success from day one.

  • Relationship Nurturing: Regular check-ins to foster growth and connection.

ABOUT Soribel Martínez

Soribel Martinez is a visionary mentor, business strategist, and bestselling author, fueled by her passion for empowering women. With degrees in Psychology, Biology, and an MBA, Soribel harnessed her educational background to become the CEO of SMPSychotherapy and Counseling Services. Her business acumen led her to develop the Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice Principles (MDPP Framework™), transforming SMPSychotherapy into a leading mental health institution serving over eleven thousand clients. Soribel's drive to help women foster their dreams led her to create JC’s Precious Minds Foundation in 2021, reflecting her commitment to social change. Her memoir, Unbreakable, released in March, 2023. Her new book The Multi Million Dollar is launching May, 2024,  marking another milestone in her multifaceted career.

Look at the results

Soribel''s Clients Get

from her Multi-Million-Dollar Private Practice Hiring Framework™

''Soribel’s business coaching programs have allowed me to work on my relationship with money, scarcity, and confidence. Her mindset work around leadership, business, and abundance helped me shift my ability to ask for what my time and offerings are worth. The 8 Pillars of Business Success gave me the tools I needed to take my business to the next level to ensure it is sustainable for years. With Soribel’s help, my business is networking and growing.​''

Erin´s Results

''Before my private coaching sessions with Soribel Martinez, I was struggling with limiting beliefs. As a result of our sessions and the SGOT process of analysis, I have been able to change my story, begin to shift my perspective, and become more proactive because I´ve been inspired to be my authentic self in business, and learned that trying to achieve perfection wasn’t necessary. I highly recommend Soribel's coaching services for anyone who wants to challenge their current mindset through her powerful SGOT analysis.​''

Jocelyn´s Results

''Before my private coaching sessions with Soribel Martinez, I was struggling with/didn't know how to/needed to learn how to successfully start a business, speaking up for myself and asking for help when I needed it. As a result of the session(s), I have been able to start a nonprofit, SCALE MY BUSINESS. I highly recommend Soribel's coaching services for anyone who wants to learn business SKILLS and strategies, or needs someone who can be an inspiration to them.​''

Moon´s Results

''I have only worked with Soribel for a short time but already have received so much value from her coaching. She has a wealth of knowledge and dynamic coaching style that leaves me feeling inspired, challenged, and empowered. I feel supported and encouraged after every meeting. I consider Soribel a part of my team now. I am so grateful to have found Soribel as she has helped me so much already on this incredible journey of both personal and professional growth.​''

Cassie´s Results

"Soribel’s Million Dollar Private Practice Virtual Intensive was beyond my expectations. She taught this virtual class with great fervor- with down-to-earth brass tactics on EXACTLY how to work on your therapy business/practice to make it beyond successful. I was blown away by what I learned in just one day with Soribel. I learned to take what was given to me and apply it immediately to the vision that I have for my own business that is not only on its way to six figures but because of Soribel’s directions my business is also being built up to serve my clients at the highest level possible for their mental health goals. EXCELLENCE AT ITS BEST!!!!!!!!​''

Nicole´s Results

'Medical school did not teach me the importance of a business mindset and having a good business foundation.​ In less than a month Soribel helped me to make important decisions and helped me change my mindset in business. My business is growing and I am happy I made the decision to work with Soribel.  If you want to make a difference in your business, have a better life, and leave a legacy I highly recommend Soribel Martinez.  You need to work hard but it becomes easy when you have the support I am getting from Soribel.''

Dr. Aura Ardon, MD´s Results

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